
Live Spanish 2 Class
Below you'll find information about my live, online high school level Spanish 2 class for homeschool students. Feel free to reach out if you have additional questions! Email me at
Spanish 2
The 2025-2026 Spanish 2 Class:
Spanish 2 - Tuesdays at 4:00pm Eastern Time
6 spots left
Tuition: $680 for the homeschol year (September - May)
Don't miss the early registration discount!
Register now for $640. Click here to register.
What are the details of the live, online Spanish 2 class?
Spanish 2 is a schoolyear (September to May) highschool level class. Your student must take Spanish 1 before Spanish 2.
Classes are live, once a week for 90 minutes (with a 5-minute break halfway through class). I am their online guide and I expect students to learn and study outside of class time, too. There will be homework! Plus, I hope that some of their learning is everyday exposure to Spanish throughout the week... Parents, please get ready for vocabulary flash cards all over the house! :)
Students are guided in their study and held accountable to complete the work, yet are led toward being independent learners. Parents do not have to do any grading or anything else for classes but are encouraged to be aware of what their students are doing... and participate in learning Spanish when they can!
I use Canvas as a virtual "homeroom" for a student's online class. Everything is there - the live class "classroom", the class recordings, the homework assignments, the exams, the grade book, and the chat for students to communicate with their classmates outside of class if they'd like.
During class, students can see and hear me and they can see the classroom whiteboard. And, they can communicate with me via chat and their microphone in class.
Important! All students are required to have a working microphone for speaking in class, homework assignments, and oral testing. Students can turn their video on during class if they'd like.
Students can also communicate with me via our class homeroom email outside of class. I will prioritize email from students and respond in a timely manner.
Students will have a weekly homework assignment that they turn in through the online platform. Homework will include exercises from the activity book, flashcard vocabulary practice, and recording an audio in Spanish along with other activities such as listening to a conversation, watching a video, or writing sentences.
Students take graded written and oral exams (approximately once a month) at their "homeroom" in Canvas.
Student's grades for homework and exams are available to them in the Canvas grade book in their "homeroom" as well as their current overall grade for the class.
Students are issued a final grade at the end of the class.
Spanish 2 FAQs
How much is tuition?
Tuition for live Spanish 2 is $680 (this covers the entire homeschool year: September through May).
Which time zone are class times?
All class times are listed as Eastern Time (ET).
What's the recommended grade range for your Spanish 2 class?
9th - 12th grade
Is your Spanish 2 class a high school level class?
Yes. One foreign language high school credit.
Is there a limit to the number of students in this class?
Yes, there is a maximum of 17 students in this class.
Are students required to attend classes at the live time?
Students are required to attend 75% of the live classes. Being able to participate in class is extremely important to me (and for language learning). When a student misses a live class, they should watch the class recording as soon as possible. The class recording is posted to the student's class homeroom page three hours after the live class ends.
When does the homeschool year for Spanish 2 classes begin and end?
The fall semester is September through mid December and the spring semester is early January through early May. Exact dates will be communicated.
Will students speak in class?
Speaking is an essential part of learning Spanish and very important to me. Speaking during class will not be optional - it will be mandatory. I will encourage students to speak up without fear! When speaking a second language, making mistakes just comes with the territory and is part of the learning process. I believe that as language-learners, if we aren't making any mistakes, we aren't speaking enough!
Are students required to purchase a textbook and workbook for the class?
Yes. I use the BJU Press Spanish textbook and workbook. The exact required books will be communicated via email once your student is registered.
Do you teach with a Christian worldview?
I teach Spanish in my classes :) However, as a Christ-follower, I have a Christian worldview and occasionally discuss how we can learn more about the Lord as we study another language, learn from other cultures as we learn their language, and bless others by speaking another language.
Are students issued an end-of-class grade for a class?
Yes, students receive an end-of-class grade in their grade book online. This serves as an independent evaluation of a student's performance. For some colleges and universities, a grade from an independent class validates homeschool grades.
Are there optional weekly online office hours for students to ask questions or practice their pronunciation?
Yes, students have the option of attending a weekly office hour in the online classroom. Attendance is optional, but it's a good time for them to ask questions, practice speaking, or just listen in. It's simply extra practice for those who are able and want to attend!
I'm also available to answer questions via message/email any time! I can send a video message back to help with pronunciation or any other concerns.
What is the average homework time per week?
I will expect students to dedicate an hour per weekday (total of around 5 hours per week) to studying, doing homework, and memorizing vocabulary.
What will students know after successful completion of this class?
We will cover reading, writing, speaking, listening, and grammar. Your student will learn how to introduce themselves appropriately, ask questions, and talk about school, their hobbies, their preferences, their family, and more. They will also learn about Spanish-speaking countries and cultures.
The big grammar thing we learn in Spanish 2 is the past tense! We will also cover the future tense and the conditional tense.
Are you teaching "Spain Spanish" or "Latin American Spanish" and is there much difference?
Since I lived in Spain (read more about me here), you may be wondering whether I'll be teaching Spain (Castilian) Spanish or Latin American Spanish - and how different they actually are. My accent and the vocabulary I use is Castilian, so that is what students will mostly hear in class. That said, the differences between the two variations are not many! The Spanish language is generally understood by any Spanish speaker worldwide. Plus, the textbook teaches a lot of Latin American vocabulary, which is what your students will be working with on a daily basis as they study.
I will be able to point out to students how my accent differs from what they might hear in Latin America as well as some of the variations in vocabulary.
The difference between Spain Spanish and Latin American Spanish is comparable to the differences in the English language as spoken in the United States, the United Kingdom (UK), Canada, Australia, etc.
If I need to cancel my registration, what's your cancellation policy?
Until 10 days prior to the beginning of classes, there is an 80% refund. After 10 days prior to the beginning of classes, there is no refund.
How should I list it on my student's high school transcript?
1 Credit, Foreign Language - Spanish 2
Are there any prerequisites for this class?
For Spanish 2, a student must have successfully completed Spanish 1 (with me or otherwise) with a C or better. If they completed Spanish 1 on their own or with another teacher, please send me an email before registering your student).